Frequently Asked Questions
In this page you can find frequently asked questions about the GTI Bridge Course (red) and about the GTI in general (blue). More specifically you can find information about:
​​​​Accountability and Transparency at GTI
​​​​Details, Questions, and Clarifications
All GTI courses
What other training would I need to get a job?
This depends on your career goals:
To work independently as a trauma coach: This certification is sufficient to start your own coaching practice
To work in advocacy organizations: Requirements vary by organization, but this certification can be valuable, especially when combined with other relevant experience or education
To specialize in specific populations: You might want to pursue additional specialized training for working with particular groups (e.g., youth, elderly, specific cultural communities)
Do I need to have an AA or other college education?
No, this certification program does not require a college degree or AA degree as a prerequisite. The program is designed to be accessible to individuals from diverse educational backgrounds who are committed to trauma-informed work. Your life experience, dedication to learning, and commitment to ethical practice are more important than formal academic credentials for this coaching certification.
How do I find clients?
As a new advocate or practitioner, you can build your client base through several key strategies:
Create a professional online presence with a website and social media
Network with therapists, healthcare providers, and wellness practitioners who can refer clients
Offer free workshops or webinars to showcase your expertise
Join professional coaching associations and trauma-informed networks
Consider specializing in a specific niche to differentiate your practice
Build trust through client testimonials and clear communication about your services
Your training will include guidance on ethical marketing practices and business development specific to trauma-informed coaching.
Certified Trauma Care Practitioner Course
What does this course allow me to do if I take it?
Upon completing the Certified Trauma Care Practitioner Course, you can:
Work as a trauma-informed coach in private practice, providing one-on-one coaching sessions with trauma survivors
Support trauma survivors through coaching that focuses on present circumstances and future goals
Establish your own coaching practice with proper business structures and procedures
Advocate for trauma survivors in various community settings
What does this certification NOT permit me to do?
This certification does not qualify you to:
Provide therapy or mental health counseling
Diagnose mental health conditions
Certified Trauma Care Advocate Course
What does this course allow me to do if I take it?
As a Certified Trauma Care Advocate, you can:
Integrate trauma-informed practices into your existing work role (e.g., education, healthcare, social services, community organizing, HR, or other helping professions)
Support trauma survivors through advocacy work in community organizations, non-profits, or social service agencies
Advocate for trauma-informed policies and practices within your workplace or community
Provide informed, culturally responsive support in volunteer positions or community settings
Work alongside mental health professionals as part of a support team
What does this certification NOT permit me to do?
this certification does not qualify you to:
Provide therapy or mental health counseling
Diagnose or treat mental health conditions
Offer one-on-one coaching sessions
Recognition of Prior Education for the GTI Bridge Course
The information below only refer to the GTI Bridge course. The Trauma Practitioner and Trauma Advocate courses do not require any previous certifications or training.
What happens if I don't have another certification completed yet? What can I upload to qualify?
If you have completed a comparable course in trauma coaching or trauma-informed care, you can upload a certificate of completion. If you completed a course but do not have certification, please upload proof of attendance (such as attendance forms or practicum feedback forms) and a screenshot of a passed exam if available. These items will allow you to enroll in the Bridge Course. To pass and obtain certification with GTI, you will need to:
Attend/participate in 6 classes (6 hours of instruction and 6 hours of discussion/practice/experiential learning).
Pass an online exam with an 80% passing grade.
Complete and submit a case study demonstrating knowledge of core concepts (a framework will be provided in the course).
What are the application requirements for people with another certification?
You need to upload a copy of an approved outside certification to work with trauma survivors.
What are the transfer requirements for people with an advanced level certification?
You need to upload a copy of an approved outside advanced-level certification to work with trauma survivors.
Details about the GTI Bridge Course and Certification
What certification title will I receive after I complete the Bridge Course?
Certified Trauma Care Practitioner (CTCP).
Will there be any practical components to the course? What if I can't attend a class? How can I make up for the compulsory second hour?
Each module will be 2 hours long, including 1 hour of instruction and 1 hour of discussion/practice/experiential learning. Instruction will be recorded. If you miss an experiential learning session, you can make it up through alternative methods provided by the course.
Will there be a community space for the class to keep in touch and receive support?
Yes, the Bridge Course will include an in-course community space available for all enrolled students. All Bridge graduates will also receive a free year of the GTI Collective premium membership (valued at $49/month).
How often will the Bridge Course be run?
This will be the only 6-week live GTI Bridge Course offered. Other versions will be offered in the future but dates are TBD.
What exactly are the certification requirements?
To pass and obtain certification with GTI via the Bridge Course, you will need to:
Attend/participate in 6 classes, including 6 hours of instruction and 6 hours of experiential learning.
Pass an online exam.
Complete and submit a client case study.
Submit the Policies & Procedures for your practice.
Attend 5 hours of GTI Consultation.
When and how often will exams be held?
Exams will be asynchronous, multiple choice, and available on our learning platform after the 6 weeks of class are completed.
How long will this certification be valid?
2 years.
What will be the re-certification requirements?
First 2 Years:
Obtain group consultation: 20 group or individual hours.
Obtain 15 credits in Continuing Education Units offered by GTI or IATAV.
Successfully complete an Ethics Review and Quiz.
Pay a $50 certificate renewal fee.
Second 2 Years & Subsequent 2 Years Beyond:
Obtain group consultation: 15 group or individual hours.
Successfully complete an Ethics Review and Quiz.
Pay a $50 certificate renewal fee.
If the certification is as a 'Practitioner', does the Bridge Course teach coaching skills or just trauma content? Can I still call myself a coach/see clients, or do I need a separate certification for that?
The GTI Bridge Course is intended for previously trained coaches. The term "Practitioner" is used because people apply their trauma-informed education in various ways and may or may not refer to themselves as a “coach.” There is no legal definition or accreditation for coaches, only certifications that indicate education and accountability. The course will include discussions on how to utilize the material when working with participants (clients) that are trauma survivors. The upcoming 20-week Certified Trauma Care Practitioner Certification will include training and practice for working 1-1 with trauma survivors. The choice of title (coach, practitioner, guide, peer, etc.) is up to the individual.
Future Opportunities, Community, and Ongoing Resources at GTI
Will there be opportunities to progress to an advanced certification or teach my own CE/CPD courses in the future?
Certified Trauma Care Practitioners who are active members of the GTI Collective will have the opportunity to offer their own courses on our learning platform and advertise to members. Hosted by the IATAV Institute, an accredited CPD/CE provider, members can submit the required materials to gain approval to offer courses that provide CPD/CE credits to attendees.
When, how, and with whom will supervision/consultation be offered (individual and/or group)? Can we access it as needed if we have a difficulty or just for the required number of hours?
All 4 founders/instructors at GTI will each offer a weekly group consultation for GTI Collective members during all weeks that the Institute is open.
What exactly is the Global Trauma Institute Collective, and when is it planned to be launched?
The Global Trauma Institute Collective is a premium subscriber space that includes member access to group consultations, quarterly CE workshops, discounted CEs, and discounted 1-1 consultations with GTI Founders/Instructors. Membership is $49/month. All Bridge graduates will receive a free year of the GTI Collective premium membership. The Collective will be launched by September 2024
Will I be able to advertise my certification in a directory listing?
Yes, the Global Trauma Institute will host a directory of Certified Practitioners and Advocates.
If I don't want to do the GTI Bridge Course or can't afford it right now, will there be a way of connecting to community and peer support with other coaches/practitioners?
The overarching IATAV Institute Community will be open to allow you to connect with community members. The GTI Collective premium subscription space will be open for trauma-informed coaches and practitioners to connect, network, obtain member-only CE workshops, group consultations, and member discounts. Only Certified Trauma Care Practitioners will be able to offer their own courses through GTI.
What courses are planned for the future?
We are already developing courses for Trauma Advocacy, Advanced Practitioners, Parts Work, Narcissistic Abuse, and Interpersonal Neurobiology. We encourage you to share what courses you would like to see or teach, as we value the vast skill set, knowledge, and experience of our community members.
When will there be an advanced class?
Advanced classes and complete courses for Certified Trauma Care Practitioners and Certified Trauma Care Advocates are being developed and will launch in early 2025. Stay tuned!
Accountability and Transparency at GTI
What can I do if I'm not happy with the course and want to make a complaint?
GTI has an internal grievance process that you can utilize and is also accredited under ACTO, and complaints can be directed there as well, if you feel you need further resolution.
What is the Grievance Process?
The GTI Grievance Process is designed to provide a fair, transparent, and consistent process for addressing complaints and grievances against GTI members, staff, instructors, and practitioners. This ensures that all parties are treated with respect and that ethical standards, policies, and procedures are upheld.
The goal of the process is to attempt to resolve the grievance first with the parties directly involved through a repair process if desired. If that attempt is unsuccessful or untenable , we move to an Ethics Review Process manned by the GTI Standards Committee. The goal of this process is not punitive, but restorative and in service of reconnection, restitution and responsibility. The Grievance steps are as follows:
Filing a Complaint
Acknowledgment of Complaint
Rupture and Repair Offering
Implementation of Outcomes
What is the Rupture and Repair Expectation within the community?
It is one of our guiding principles that all members of GTI be willing to repair any ruptures that may occur in the institute directly with the parties involved. If a rupture occurs and support is sought from those on Staff, the parties will be asked if a repair has been initiated or attempted directly first. If it has not, we will ask what resources and tools are needed to do so. If there are obstacles or not enough safety within the parties, a repair process can be supported by founders, directors, or instructors. Safety is the number one priority and we ask that be a guiding principle for those involved. The use of subjective “I” statements, confirmation of facts and events that took place, and requests made to resolve the issue and restore safety and connection are the pillars of the repair process. Please seek assistance if needed to ensure the steps, posture and nervous system state for a successful repair.
Details, Questions, and Clarifications
Will GTI be providing client intake protocols and forms?
GTI values a holistic and organic intake process and understands that a basic framework can be helpful for practitioners as they work with new participants. We will be offering resources for you to utilize as guides, rather than protocols, as we realize that each practitioner will have their own way of connecting with participants in those early appointments.
Is IATAV the same as GTI? How are they connected?
IATAV (It Always Takes A Village) Institute is a hub of continuing education programs founded by Dr. Judith Belton and accredited by CPD and ACTO. IATAV Institute hosts the Global Trauma Institute.
Will I be certified to work with adolescents if I do the GTI Bridge Course?
No, to be certified to work with adolescents, you would need to take another IATAV Institute course, such as the Adolescent Trauma/Adolescent Support Specialist Course, led by Dr. Judith Belton and Laurie Perez.
When I pay, does GTI save my credit card?
No, we don't store your card information. Your installment payments are processed automatically through Stripe or PayPal, our payment processors, using secure one-time tokens that can only be used for your specific payments.
Where can I go if I have more questions that aren't answered here?
Reach out to the whole team at:
To contact one of our founders directly, you can email:
Dr. Jai:
Kimberly Weeks:
Achara Tarfa:
Julia Pishko: